Michael Blecker has been associated with Swords to Plowshares since 1976 and served as Executive Director since 1982. Under Mr. Blecker’s leadership, Swords to Plowshares’ annual budget has grown from $75,000 to over $30 million. He has a nationwide reputation for dedicated service and as an authority on veterans’ services and veterans’ rights. He served on the Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans (2002-2007) which advises the Secretary; he is cofounder of both the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans and the California Association of Veterans’ Service Agencies. He has served on the Congressional Commission on Service Members and Veterans Transition Assistance, the California Senate Commission on Homeless Veterans, the San Francisco Mayor’s Homeless Planning Committee, the National Agent Orange Settlement Advisory Board, the Agent Orange Information Center, and the Veterans Speakers Alliance. From 2015 to 2016 he served on the federal Commission on Care, examining veteran access to VA care. Michael served in the U.S. Army from 1967 to 1970, with combat infantry service in Vietnam in 1968 and 69. He holds a juris doctor from New College of California School of Law and a bachelor’s degree with honors from UC Berkeley.