Veteran Finds Success in the Telecommunications Field

June 13, 2017

Swords to Plowshares Employment and Training Program consistently provides quality hiring opportunities for local veterans. Our recent hiring event was a great opportunity for veterans looking for new careers, and an opportunity to see how a former participant of Swords to Plowshares’ Employment and Training Program is thriving.

Che Guevara, a U.S. Army veteran, first approached Swords to Plowshares last August after his student housing closed and he had exhausted his stay with friends and family. He came to Swords to Plowshares to find housing support and employment assistance.

Despite having a strong resume, he struggled to find employment in the Bay Area. He worked with our Employment and Training team, not just to find a job, but a long-term career. Che said, “It was really good, working with Swords to Plowshares. They provided me with a lot of information that I didn’t know, and Sarah [Wong], my Job Developer worked with me to find jobs that were a good fit with my education and background. ”

Che took advantage of Swords to Plowshares’ large pool of local employers and worked with his Job Developer to identify potential career matches. Together they identified a position with Comcast as a Service and Installation Technician, finding it a great fit for his skillset and career goals. Che credits the mock interviews with his Job Developer as having made a significant impact on landing the position with Comcast.

Six months later, it’s clear that Che has been thriving with Comcast. As a Service and Installation Technician, he faces physically demanding situations that require careful planning, confidence with his training, and the proper use of equipment. Che’s military background has brought many transferrable skills to his position with Comcast. During his follow-up with his Job Developer, Sarah Wong, Che talked about the experience he has gained with Comcast, “It’s just like in the military–you have to have confidence in your equipment. So far, it has been a great experience and I am already training to move up in the company.”

At our recent strategic hiring event with Comcast, Che had the opportunity to give back and help support other veterans who were looking for work. During the hiring event, Che gave a presentation to fellow veteran candidates about his experience with Swords to Plowshares and how we helped him with the rigorous application and training process. According to Sarah Wong, now a Workforce Development Manager at Swords to Plowshares, “Che’s presentation was extremely beneficial to our veteran applicants. He was able to answer all their questions and share his experience. His story not only resonated with all the candidates but showed them what type of career they could have with Comcast.”

Our Employment and Training team is committed to helping veterans like Che find meaningful careers. We are grateful not only to Che for sharing his story, but taking the time to give back and support his fellow veterans. Any veteran who is interested in learning more about Swords to Plowshares employment services, please feel free to contact us at