This webinar focuses on developing cultural competency, identifying workplace strategies to help veteran employees, and the statewide employment initiative.
Event Program
Event Details
Veterans are becoming an increasing part of the workforce, coming from a unique culture and expertise that can benefit any employer that knows how to properly utilize their veteran employees. It isn’t enough to just hire veterans, there is a necessary degree of cultural competency that will keep retention of veteran employees and allow them to thrive in the workplace.
This training focuses on developing cultural competency, identifying workplace strategies to help veteran employees, and the statewide employment initiative. The initiative connects corporate hiring professionals, veteran service organizations, universities and community colleges, and community-based organizations.
One (1) continuing education credits are available for toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).
Learn about commonly shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that often (but not always) characterize service in the military
Identify potential recruitment and retention strategies for supporting veterans in the workplace as well as resources to refer veterans to supportive services
Statewide employment initiative which connects corporate hiring professionals, veteran service organizations, universities/community colleges and community-based organizations
Tyler Solorio: Policy Analyst, Swords to Plowshares
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When & Where
2:00 am
Transportation Details