Swords to Plowshares cordially invites you to a reception to celebrate our collective achievements in restoring justice for veterans. In gratitude to our key partners, including hundreds of pro bono attorneys, who share our mission of meeting the legal needs of underserved veterans, please join us.
Event Program
Event Details
We are thrilled to have The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita of the House of Representatives join us, and we look forward to seeing you all for this special event! Hors d'oeuvres, beer & wine will be served. We are grateful to our long-time supporter, John Keker, and the staff at Keker, Van Nest & Peters for hosting this reception to honor our dedicated pro bono attorneys and the key supporters who help us fight for the rights of all veterans.
We will honor these champions who have done exemplary work on behalf of veterans:
Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi,
National Hero to Veterans Award
Latham & Watkins,
Pro Bono Law Firm of the Year
Joel Morgan,
Bill Brockett Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
RSVP to the event
When & Where
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
Transportation Details