HR, talent acquisition, and diversity & inclusion, as well as individuals involved in hiring or supportive practices are welcome to attend this event.
When & Where
1:00 am
Transportation Details
Event Program
Join Swords to Plowshares, the Genentech Foundation, and the Bay Area Council for our Veterans Employer Summit. At this Summit, hiring experts will learn the best ways to recruit, hire, and retain veteran talent for your organization
You will learn practical tools and guidance at this Summit.
Veterans bring a wealth of skills and leadership experiences to the workplace. While many companies are interested in hiring veterans, many need additional guidance to develop and institutionalize hiring programs that maximize your outcomes.
Who Should Attend
Heads of HR, talent acquisition, and diversity & inclusion, as well as the individuals who actively carry out your company’s hiring or supportive practices are welcome to attend this event.
Following the educational program, you and your hiring experts will be invited to work more deeply with Swords to Plowshares to connect qualified veterans to your open positions.
We hope that you will join us!
RSVP to indicate your interest in participating in the Summit. We can then reach out to you to conduct a 15-minute prep call to make sure that your company gets the most out of your attendance.
This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for review.