Swords to Plowshares is proud to announce the opening of the Veterans Community Center, located on the 3rd floor of our San Francisco Service Center. We invite you to join us and our committed supporters, including the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and light refreshments.
Event Program
Event Details
About the Veterans Community Center
The Veterans Community Center (VCC) will expand the work we do to engage unsheltered and aging veteran populations at our San Francisco Service Center. The VCC will be a physical space open during the evenings and weekends where veterans can obtain necessary resources such as food and hygiene supplies; relax and build community with other veterans and loved ones; and receive assistance accessing veteran-specific benefits, including transportation to healthcare appointments, clinical counseling, and case management.
For questions and inquiries on the event, please contact development@stp-sf.org.
RSVP to the event
When & Where
10:30 am
Transportation Details