Vet Centers

Posted on
May 19, 2021
Austin Wade via Unsplash
1-(877) WAR VETS/1-(877) 927-8387 is a 24/7 confidential call center for veterans and their families.

Vet Centers are a great counseling resource for your veteran patient/client. Combat veterans, veterans who have experienced trauma, including military sexual trauma (MST), and their families are eligible. Though they are part of the VA, they are confidential and do not share information with the VA unless by the veteran’s permission. They are located away from VA sites and allow for appointments after normal business hours. This is all designed to provide a comfortable confidential environment for veterans to discuss sensitive issues. Readjustment counselors are often veterans themselves or a veteran family member and understand firsthand the veteran and family experience. All services are free and are strictly confidential.


Services for veterans and families may include individual and group counseling in areas such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcohol and drug assessment, and suicide prevention referrals.  

Vet center services are also provided to veteran and military family members for military-related issues to help the readjustment of those who have served. Importantly, this includes bereavement counseling for families after a death of an active-duty service member.  

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Any veterans and active duty servicemembers, to include members of the National Guard and Reserve components and those with OTH discharges, who:

  • Have served on active military duty in any combat theater or area of hostility;
  • Experienced military sexual trauma;
  • Provided direct emergent medical care or mortuary services, while serving on active military duty, to the casualties of war, or;
  • Served as a member of an unmanned aerial vehicle crew that provided direct support to operations in a combat zone or area of hostility.
  • Vietnam era veterans who have accessed care at a Vet Center prior to January 2, 2013.​

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