Engaging and Supporting Housed Veterans

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May 25, 2021
Anthony Metcalfe via Unsplash

While some veterans may be isolated while unhoused, others are leaving behind a community of people they resided with on the streets. Support at housing entry is critical in order to help them build a new community. Social connection can help improve their quality of life and management of chronic health conditions. Organize activities and events that are interesting and fun but keep in mind the challenges of participation that may come with this population.

  • Host on-site groups/activities.
  • Connect with any local agencies that may offer free tickets to local events (sports, cultural events, etc.).
  • Establish monthly community meetings where both support services and property management staff discuss issues of concern with tenants.
  • Invite community members/agencies to present on their activities and services that are of interest to veterans.
  • Celebrate project milestones and birthdays of residents.
  • Discuss the creation of a Tenant Council whereby tenants have their own space to discuss their issues and work with property management to address issues and craft a plan of action if possible.
  • Report back at the upcoming community meetings regarding progress made.

Hear from veteran residents and onsite staff about what their life at a new permanent supportive housing program is like and how having a home for these previously homeless veterans is a lifechanging experience.

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