Jobs that work: Expanding employment opportunities

Katie Ettl
February 23, 2023

In 2022, Jobs for Vets expanded community partnerships and guided veterans into career training programs that result in steady employment. Many of the veterans that come to us for job counseling and employment services are searching for positions that provide stability and financial security. Career opportunities that offer growth are life-changing for veterans who face difficulty navigating the workforce. That is why we are grateful for programs such as the PG&E PowerPathway program, which guarantees graduated veterans with a role at PG&E or one of its contractors. Likewise, we value our partnerships with local EMT training organizations: American Health, Project Heartbeat, and Bay Area Training Academy, which provide veteran trainees with a path to a meaningful and sustainable career.

Connecting with other community organizations has been instrumental to our employment and training outreach. Jobs for Vets partnered with the Martinez VA and Veterans Accession House to plan a hiring event of over twenty employers for Contra Costa County. More than 100 job seekers attended the Veteran Job Fair and Resource Expo in April 2022. The success of this event sparked the formation of the Veteran Employment Resource Group (VERG), a collaborative made up of the planning committee organizations and other agencies across the Bay Area determined to connect veterans with jobs. Our participation in VERG will strengthen our relationships with employers and partners located in East Bay and Contra Costa County. We continue to grow our network of employer partners to offer a long list of job opportunities for our veteran clients.

Meet Jessie Kohgadai

Jessie (U.S. Navy Reserve, 2011-2021) is a graduate of the PG&E PowerPathway “Entry to Gas Pipeline Inspector” program. She successfully completed the program in June 2022, the only woman in her class of fifteen veterans. Jessie shares, “In the military, women are underrepresented. Not only do I want more veterans doing this kind of work, but I want more women to be inspired.” Jessie now works as a Pre-Utility Inspector in East Contra Costa County. Jessie is regaining financial stability with guaranteed career growth within the utility industry. Jessie and her husband are hoping to purchase their first home, which felt like a far-out goal less than a year ago.

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Article by
Katie Ettl

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